Mad Max is a post-apocalyptic action-adventure game, with a heavy emphasis on vehicular combat, in which the player takes on the role of eponymous character Mad Max (Kym Bradley). According to the publisher of the game, up to 60% of the game's campaign requires the player to drive. Mad Max will feature a variety of weapons which Max can use to defeat his enemies. Though the shotgun is Max's weapon of choice, ammo is scarce, so melee options are the smarter approach.The 'Thunderstick' is an explosive weapon that can be lanced into an enemy's chest, blowing up the victim. The harpoon can be used in-vehicle with Chum riding along. Max's Magnum Opus can be combined with a V12 engine and a powerful ramming ability to destroy enemies' vehicles and weaponry. Weapons, such as flamethrowers and a mounted cannon, and a grappling hook can also be added to the Magnum Opus.